Lucky Block Mod 1.18.1, 1.17.1 adds just one block, yet over one hundred possibilities to Minecraft.

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If you are not familiar, Clash Royale is a card-based war game that takes place in the Clash of Clans universe!. It's based around YouTubers like Ssundee, MrCrainer, BajanCanadian, and Jerome! Lucky Blocks in Minecraft is a feature that adds a new block to the game. The Lucky block mod can spawn animals, monsters, other entities and even structures. This mod is mainly made for roleplaying on multiplayer servers but everything also works in singleplayer.But now, with this new version, you can expect more than just items. Baton, does 5 attack damage and gives target slowness 1, nausea 3, and mining fatigue 1 for 2 seconds. Police Armor, provides 17 armor, slightly stronger than iron Handcuffs, does no attack damage and gives target slowness 4, mining fatigue 100, and weakness 4 for 1 minute if they are below 4 hearts, single use Blindfold, does no attack damage and gives target blindness 3 for 1 minute if they are below 4 hearts, single use Tazer, deals no damage or knockback on hit, gives target slowness 2, mining fatigue 2, and weakness 1, for 5 seconds and poison 11 for 3 seconds (deals 6 damage) Stun Baton, attacks slow, does 5 attack damage and gives target slowness 2, mining fatigue 2, weakness 1, and poison 4 for 3 seconds (deals 3 damage) Hardened Baton, does 6 attack damage and gives target slowness 2, neausea 3, and mining fatigue 2, for 2 seconds and blindness 1 for 0.5 seconds. Heavy Police Armor, provides 24 armor, better than diamond Light Police Armor, same as police armor but gives you speed 1 if you wear the full set If there are any issues or bugs let me know in the comments with the mod version and minecraft version you are using.